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Friday Again. . .

Good morning all,


Here we are again at the end of another week, I wonder how you are all spending your Friday?  This should have been the first day of our Easter holiday and I was meant to be going away in my caravan :( Never mind it is important that we all stay home and stay safe.  Bearing in mind that the next 2 weeks are your Easter holidays make sure you enjoy spending this time with your families. George and Stanley are discovering toys they'd forgotten they had! As I write this, Stanley is building things out of Knex, he's loving it and had forgotten we even had Knex in our house. 


We talk a lot at school about our Christian Values and how we can live these out in our everyday lives.  Even though these times are unprecedented it warms my heart to see how people are rising to the challenge of supporting those vulnerable people who need a little bit of help.  Did you join in with the minutes applause last night? We did and it made the boys really think about those people going off to work to help us out.  I'm sure i've told you before that my mum is a nurse, she is now having to go to work in Mansfield to help out at Kings Mill Hospital, she tells me it is starting to get very busy with the people they are having to look after.  Thinking of service and love though, it is so easy to do little things that make a big difference.  We had a phonecall in school the other day to ask if we knew of anyone who needed support, apparently there are so many volunteers in Long Bennington they can help lots of people, how lovely is that?  George and Stanley wrote a letter to their Nanna and Grandad on Monday and it arrived in the post on Thursday, they loved it and it really cheered them up.  I think this is another example of living out those Christian Values. 


Anyway I must go and plough through the mountain of e-mails I have got, Mr Korcz has been very busy sending lots out!!


Stay safe everyone and enjoy your weekend.  Remember that we are here to support our school community, if anyone needs anything then please email us on our school e-mail address.  Alternatively please remember that school will be open over Easter (not Good Friday or Easter Monday) and in the upcoming weeks for those children whose parents are key workers.  Again to book a place please e-mail school. 


Mr Nicholson



