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Class 7

Spellings 5th July

Spellings 28th June

KS2 Sports Day

Still image for this video

We had a great day at Brackenhurst where we were able to add to our Stone Age knowledge gained from our classroom learning with some great practical activities. We created our very own Stone Age cave painting, learned how to build enclosures to keep animals in, created a pot, built a model of Stonehenge, made a medallion and looked at some artefacts. 

 Welcome to Class 7 


The start of the new school year is always an exciting time but can also be a little bit daunting. Here is some key information to help our days run more smoothly:

  • PE is on Monday  and Friday afternoons .  Monday is our indoor session which is dodgeball and Fridays we will be outside learning some fundamental skills.  Please remember tracksuit tops and bottoms, otherwise you may be a bit cold!
  • Reading books and diaries will be sent home daily. It's still really important that a child shares a book with an adult regularly  (at least 3 times a week) and it's really helpful and appreciated if you make a note of this in their reading diaries. Children receive a housepoint if they have read at least 3 times with an adult. 
  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Thursday. This will consist of spellings to learn, some maths (set on mymaths) and possibly one other piece of work to support your child's learning. 
  • Please remember to bring a filled water bottle to school. 


A few specific things for this term...

This term we will be thinking about 'What was life like in the Stone Age?' 

Our PE lessons will focus on dodgeball & fundamentals, 


If you have any questions or worries please let me know so that they can be addressed quickly. I am always on the playground after school or an appointment can be made through the school office.


Looking forward to getting to know your child and having an amazing first term doing some fantastic learning. 


Miss Handley smiley

