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Home Page

Class 1

The Great Fire of London

Welcome to class 1!

We are very excited about showing you what we will be doing during the year.  I will update this page regularly so please keep checking, I will put on photos and information.

We have lots of lovely activities planned for this term. We will read lots of books, go to the local Nature Reserve, have a theatre company work with us and have lots of fun!


Just a few reminders to help everyone's days run more smoothly.....

  1. It can take time for children to settle: it is a big change and an exciting new adventure. We know it is hard if your child is getting upset at drop off time, but they do settle quicker once their parent has left. So grit your teeth, smile, say goodbye, we will look after them and comfort them! Thank you very much for your cooperation and support.
  2. Children need to bring a water bottle every day that can be refilled during the day-it helps our brains work. Do not put water bottles in the reading folders as we don't want any spillages and ruined books ahhh!
  3. On P.E day is every TUESDAY, children come to school in their P.E kit for the day. Please check the weather and dress appropriately. Children can wear black jogging bottoms or leggings on chilly days.
  4. The best way to help and support your child is to read with them every day. Read their school book with them and sign the reading record book. Remember to read all different types of books, magazines, letters, signposts......everything!
  5. LABEL LABEL LABEL everything please! Keep checking that labels are still attached.
  6. If I have a concern about your child, I will contact you immediately. Please don't worry, just be reassured that everything is going well and your child is happy, settled and learning well. Equally, if you have a worry or a concern please come and see me at the end of the day or phone the office to arrange a suitable time to talk. The start of the day can be a bit hectic! 
  7. Remember children will be very tired at the end of the day, allow them to time to relax before talking about their day! I will send regular messages about our day on our 'Marvellous me' app.

Thank you very much.

Mrs Jones and Mrs  Deighton.



