We bring kindness, joy and integrity to all that we do.
The bible verse that sets our Christian vision in context comes from Romans 15:13. In an ever-changing world which presents many challenges we want our children to find joy in all that they do, so that they are able to meet the challenges they face head on and find inner peace through a feeling of self-fulfilment.
Who are we? What are we doing here?
Love one another as I have loved you. (John 15:12)
Our mission at Long Bennington Church of England Academy is to create an inclusive and welcoming community where we celebrate each member of our school community’s uniqueness and individuality. Through our curriculum and teaching we will develop confident, responsible and resilient citizens who are ready to make a positive contribution to their communities and the wider world. By providing a range of opportunities we aim to allow all children and adults to flourish so that they can fulfil their potential and express their own God given talents, finding joy in all that they do.
All aspects of school life at Long Bennington CE Academy are underpinned by the belief that God loves everyone as an individual, so we follow His example by showing love and respect to others.
How shall we live and learn together?
We are proud to be a Church of England Academy and the Christian values that we share with each other are also human values that we feel benefit all members of our school community.
‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Matthew 22: 39
We show gentleness to others and ourselves, opening our hearts when we need to forgive; speak honestly and have kindness at the centre of what we do.
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them.” Matthew 7:12
We will value everyone and everything in our school community and aim to connect with others; be patient and tolerant, making sure that everyone knows that they belong.
“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6: 9-10
We ask what we can do for others, knowing that small, random acts of kindness are good for our own wellbeing and sense of self-worth.
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4: 13
We try our hardest; know that everyone else is doing the same, resting when the job is done. We practise skills, ask for help and support each other, knowing that every challenge we face helps us to grow and with God’s help, we can learn by taking one step at a time.
“Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right.” Psalm 106: 3
We believe in fairness and that everyone must be treated equally. We allow everyone to learn; we listen and remember how precious we all are.
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24
Alongside others, we will approach all our learning by looking for the joy in finding out about new things and by taking part.