No football club on Monday
Mr Haigh is unavailable to run football club this Monday (14th) and sends his apologies for the late notice.
If this information can be shared with all children from Y5 and Y6, that would be great.
Welcome to Class 9!
Welcome back to a new school year! Class 9 will be a time of change for all of us, including me! But I am super excited to work with you all as Year 5's and 6's! Please find below some key information for the coming school term. This page will also be updated regularly with important information. Don't forget to also follow our school Facebook page to for lots of photo updates too!
On arrival, children should make their way straight down to Class 9, through the door near to Class 5 and 6.
If you do have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me on the playground at the end of the school day or by making an appointment through the school office.
Key Information
Class 9 Team
Mrs Fraser - Class Teacher
Miss McLaughlin / Mrs Weaver - classroom and intervention support
Wednesday - Children will be taught in the morning by Mrs Battersby whilst I am out of class to fulfil my responsibilities as one of our school SENDCos.
Thursday - In the morning, children will be taught RE by Ms Flint and PE by Ethan, our Inspire + coach
Mobile Phones
All mobile phones brought into school must be handed into me at the start of the school day. They will then be returned to children at the end of the school day. Mobile phones must not be kept in children's bags, coats or lockers.
Indoor PE - Wednesday
Outdoor PE - Thursday
Your child should now have a banded reading book and a diary. We recommend regular reading at home to support their progress, even in Year 5 and 6.
Children are also welcome to bring a second book into school of their own choice if they wish to do so.
We will also continue to develop our reading skills in class. This half term we will be reading Who Let the Gods Out during our Reading VIPERS lesson . We will also be reading Beetle Boy as our class daily reader.
Spelling homework will be set on a Friday. these will be available to view and/or print on this class page. This should be used to support your child in practicing their spellings using the Sounds and Syllables structure taught in class. There is no requirement to hand this back in, however, spellings will be tested every Thursday in class.
If your child has different spellings, these will be sent home with them.
Maths homework will also be set each week on a Friday on My Maths. This should be completed by the end of the following Thursday. Topics may be chosen to consolidate learning from that week or to recall and refresh prior learning. Logins will be sent home with your child.
In addition to this, all children will continue to benefit from regular practice on TimesTable Rockstars to continue to develop their rapid recall of both multiplication and division facts.