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Class 9

KS2 Sports Day

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spelling homework

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Answers for year 6 Easter homework - check on each test whether you have test A or test B!

Beautiful science on The Life Cycle of Birds:

Monday 4th December. 


No football.


I have withdrawn from the tournament due to the weather and wanted to let everyone know as soon as possible. 


Sorry girls.  

27th November 2023:

Girls' football is off again. Sorry everybody. 

Football OFF


The rain means we are unable to play the games tonight, which I know is disappointing. I will try to rearrange this , I I promise. 



Welcome to class 9, a mix of some super year 6s and some fantastic year 5s!  Ms Flint will teach the class on a Monday and I will do the remainder of the week, with Miss McLaughlin and Ms Flint also doing some lessons on a Thursday afternoon.  We are so looking forward to having you all in the classroom and getting on with some brilliant learning.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday - on Tuesday we will be outdoors with a Mr Watson, a specialist PE coach, and on Wednesday we will be indoors.  Homework will usually be set on a Friday to be handed in the following Thursday; there will be a spelling practise sheet from the children's spelling lesson, a spelling booklet to work through each week to learn the statutory year 5/6 spelling words as set by the DfE and a maths activity that will usually need to be completed on MyMaths.  We will be focusing on the automatic recall of times tables up to 12 x 12 to start the year too, so Times Tables Rockstars is available to log onto to practise those.


I am so looking forward to having you in class 9 - I know that we'll have a fab year together and I can't wait to get started. Parents and carers, if you ever need to speak to me about anything you can ask at/ring the office to get a message to me and I will get in touch as soon as I can.  


Miss Baliol-Key smiley

