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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5 smiley


Spellings Friday 8th November 


Miss O'Dell's GroupMrs Denman's Group


What will we learn this term?

Here is a little taster of some of the learning we will be doing this term


  • In History this term we are answering the question; What impact did World War Two have on the British people?
  • Our Science is about all about Sound and Rocks
  • In Art we will be creating models using our clay skills
  • In R.E this term we will learn about the Trinity 



Our indoor P. E will be on a Monday afternoon where this term we be will be doing gymnastics.  Our outdoor P.E session is on Thursday afternoon and we will be practicing our football skills.  Your child will need to come to school wearing their P.E kit, please make sure they are wearing appropriate P.E kit for both indoor and outdoor sessions.


Do Year 3's in Class 5 cover a different curriculum to those Year 3's in Class 6?

  • Year 3's in Class 5 and 6 cover exactly the same learning objectives in every subject.
  • It doesn’t matter which class they are in as we all do the same.
  • The way we teach it may be different and we may not be doing exactly the same things at the same time but we cover it all.



  • Children will be taught their spelling pattern for the week in our spelling lesson on Friday.
  • Theses spellings will be here on on class web page for the children to access and practice during the week
  • Spellings are tested on Thursdays, I will also test them on two mystery words which follow the same spelling pattern.
  • Your child will also be given some maths homework to complete on mymaths.
  • This will be set on Friday and will be to support the work we have done in Maths in class that week.  This needs to be completed by the following Friday.
  • Logins and instructions of how to access mymaths will be sent home with your child.



  • If your child is on banded books, they are able to change them as frequently as they like.  It is up to them to ask when they need to do this and they will have the chance to change them when they come into school and after lunch.
  • If your child is on phase books they will read to a teaching assistant who will change their books with them.
  • Class teachers and TA's will assess when children are ready to move to the next level of books.
  • Children will have a reading record book where they can record what they are reading and who with, these are not checked by teachers.
  • Reading Vipers will take place twice a week where we all read the same book together and answer comprehension questions.


The end of the school day

  • The school day ends at 3:30
  • Children will come out of the same door that they come through in the morning.
  • We will gather together on the grass near the playground and the children will tell me when they can see the person who is collecting them.
  • I will then tell them they can go.
  • If your child is being collected by someone else please let myself or the school office know


Wow! What a lot of information!  

I know I am going to have a wonderful year with your fabulous children. 

We are all now a team: parents/carers, the children, and me.


I promise you that with your help and support I will give your children a year full of learning, love and support. 

If you need anything please don't hesitate to come and chat to me or send me at email at


Miss Rachel O'Dell  smileyheartsmiley



