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Class 5



Spellings taught on Friday 5th of July

These will be tested on Thursday 11th  July- these will be the final spellings for the year


Miss O'Dell's GroupMrs Denman's Group


KS2 Sports Day

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Lincoln Castle

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Brilliant Readers at Church

How to make Jammy Flowers

Making Jammy Flowers

Dancing as a solid, liquid and gas. Can you tell which is which?

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It’s time for Africa!

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Scientists searching for plants and trees

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Measuring height, foot length and how far we can jump!

Incredibly proud of my class and so pleased to be able to share their stunning writing with you all

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Wow! It was so wonderful to see you all

Class 5’s Writing Spectacular is ready for visitors

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Class 5’s Writing Spectacular is all ready for visitors!

Monster Maths Measuring!

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Science Detectives... trying to figure out what our new Science topic is by investigating the clues in the mystery trays!

In art we made woolly mammoths out of clay, we love them we hope you do too!

Learning how to bowl in cricket

In science we investigated forces through a variety of mini experiments

Stone Age Day

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Here is some helpful information about this term, if you have any questions just come and ask me smiley


Miss Mills




This term we are answering the question; What was life like in the Stone Age?

We are beginning our term with an exciting Stone Age visit to help us to understand this question first hand.




This half term all our P. E will be on a Monday afternoon. We will be taking part in gymnastics in the hall and cricket out on the field.  Your child will need to come to school wearing their P.E kit, please make sure they are wearing appropriate P.E kit for both indoor and outdoor sessions.




  • Children will be given spellings to learn on a Friday.
  • These spellings will have been taught in our spelling lesson on Friday morning.
  • Children need to complete the spelling sheet for homework 
  • Spellings are tested on Thursdays, I will also test them on two mystery words which follow the same spelling pattern.
  • Your child will also be given some mental maths to learn, which will also be tested on Thursdays.





  • If your child is on banded books, they are able to change them as frequently as they like.  It is up to them to ask when they need to do this and they will have the chance to change them when they come into school and after lunch.
  • If your child is on phase books they will read to a teaching assistant who will change their books with them.
  • Class teachers will assess when children are ready to move to the next level of books.
  • Children will have a reading record book where they can record what they are reading and who with, these are not checked by teachers.
  • Reading Vipers will take place twice a week where we all read the same book together and answer comprehension questions.

