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Personal, social and health education (PSHE) enables children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

Through PSHE children are provided with opportunities to enable them to develop skills to investigate, make sense of and communicate with the world around them in order to become responsible, healthy members of the community. 


It is the duty of the school to prepare the children to become responsible and confident citizens who are ready for the next stage in their journey through life.  Our working environment is one that offers security leading to responsible independence.



From September 2020, all schools will be required to teach RSE to pupils from the age of four onward, although primary-aged children will be taught relationships education only. Schools will need to have a clear RSE curriculum in place, which is planned and outlined according to government criteria.


We will ensure PSHE/RSE lessons are subject to the same expectations as other subjects in relation to the achievement of pupils and the quality of teaching. We aim to prepare children for the next stages of life. The curriculum:

  • Is appropriate to the age and capability of our pupils, and allows pupils to have an excellent understanding of relationships and sexual development.

  • Covers sexual consent and human rights with regards to physical harm and sexual exploitation.

  • Enables pupils to understand how to keep themselves and others healthy and safe.

  • Makes pupils understand the impact of bullying on others and actively challenges all forms of bullying including homophobic and transphobic language.

  • Teaches pupils from a young age to consider that families exist beyond the conventional images of two parent families, such as single parent families.

  • Is reinforced to allow younger pupils to discuss RSE through text in literacy or cross-curricular topics.

  • Covers pupils’ body changes and the different feelings they might experience as their bodies change.



At Long Bennington, we use 'Jigsaw' to support the teaching of our PSHE and RSE curriculum.

