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Class 8

KS2 Sports Day

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27th November 2023


Girls' football is OFF! 


Hopefully there will be a rearrangement soon. 

Football OFF


(The two worst words to read on a weekend, I know.)


Due to the heavy rain, I will have to rearrange the games and I hope you are not too disappointed. 

Welcome to Class 8!


Spellings for week of 8th July, this test will be on the 12th July. Words with <phobia>


2 pyrophobia

3 phobophobia

4 acrophobia

5 hydrophobia

6 graphophobia

7 claustrophobia

8 arachnophobia

9 thalassophobia

10 scolionophobia 

11 triskaidekaphobia 

12 arachibutyrophobia


Mrs Weaver's spelling group words:















This term our indoor P. E will be swimming, and this should start towards the end of this half term, and our outdoor session is on a Thursday afternoon. We will be doing Rounders this half term out on the field.  Your child will need to come to school wearing their P.E kit, please make sure they are wearing appropriate P.E kit for both indoor and outdoor sessions. 



Maths homework is set on MyMaths each week, and should be handed in before Thursdays. The class will also have spelling lessons on a Friday morning, with spellings to learn for their spelling test that takes place on Thursdays. Please work with us to stress the importance of doing homework each week, as this always follows on from what we have been doing in class.

We are also going to be focusing massively on Times Tables, meaning the children are learning a new times tables each week, with a test every Friday.



I am so lucky to have all of you in my class and look forward to seeing all the amazing work you produce! If any parents/carers ever need to speak to me, feel free to grab me at the end of the day or ring through the office, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have! smiley

Miss Lockley


KS2 Sports’ Day 2023

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Powerpoint from parents meeting if you missed it

