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Class 6

KS2 Sports Day

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Year 4 Spellings - Summer 2

Class 6 - PE: Athletics (Summer 1)

Welcome to Class 6!


Welcome back to a new school year! I am super excited to get to know all of our lovely class members and support them as they continue with their learning journey!


I will continue to update this page with important information along with photographs and videos of our time in school!


However, if you do have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me or speak to me in the playground!


Key Information 


Class 6 Team


Mrs Denman - Teaching Assistant


Wednesday - Children will be taught in the Morning by Miss Newcombe who they are already very familiar with. On Wednesday afternoons, the children will be taught French/Music by Mrs Flint and Computing by Miss McLaughlin.




Monday - PE will be outside so don't forget appropriate footwear and clothing (hoodie for older weather, sun hat, sun cream for warmer weather etc.)


Thursday- PE will be inside. 


We are lucky to be supported in PE by Mr Wright this year who is our PE Apprentice. 




Your child should now have a banded reading book and a diary. We recommend regular reading at home to support their progress. Please make a note of this in their diaries. 


Children are also welcome to bring a second book into school of their own choice if they wish to do so.




Spelling homework  will be sent home on a Friday. This should be used to support your child in practicing their spellings using the Sounds and Syllables structure taught in class. There is no requirement to hand this back in, however, spellings will be tested every Thursday in class.


Maths homework will be set each week on a Friday on My Maths. This should be completed by the end of the following Thursday. Topics may be chosen to consolidate learning from that week or to recall and refresh prior learning. Logins will be sent home with your child. 



This half term we will be reading George's Marvellous Medicine during our Reading VIPERS lesson . VIPERS is an acronym which represents the six reading skills we will focus on throughout the year. These are as follows: 



Our reading for pleasure book will be The Wild Way Home by Sophie Kirtley.


Reading for Pleasure (RfP)



This term we will be learning about the Stone Age. Our learning will be focused on the question:

What was life like in the Stone Age?


If your child is interested in some self-led research, there are some websites recommended below:


The Stone Age – Years 3/4 and P4/5 History Collection - BBC Bitesize

Stone Age - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help 

Top 10 Facts About The Stone Age! - Fun Kids - the UK's children's radio station (


Parents' Guide to Times Table Rockstars

KS2 Sports’ Day 2023

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Autumn 2 - DT: Pneumatic Toy in action!

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Autumn 2 - DT - Making Pneumatic Toys

Class 6 - Autumn 2 - DT: Investigating Pneumatics

Class 6 - Autumn 1 - Clay Sculptures

Lego Club!

