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Access for visitors with a disability

We aim to help everyone to have access to our school, and will endeavour to assist you if you have a medical condition or disability. It is easiest for us to do this if you can make us aware of your needs before your visit.


Car Park

Parents/Carers are not permitted to park in the school car park. If you have a medical condition or disability which requires you to be able to park close to the school, please contact the school office. A parking permit can be issued where appropriate.


Reception Office

The school office is accessible from the car park.


School Hall

This can be accessed on one level from both within school and from an external door.  All fire escapes from the hall for visitors attending an event in school are on one level and accessible for those with wheelchair or walking aid.


Toilet facilities

There is a disabled toilet available.


Other areas of the school

The vast majority of the school is accessible on a single level when accessed from the main front door.

If a visitor is out on the school field, there will be a route through to the school exit or the adult toilets clearly marked.

