Good afternoon everyone,
I hope you are all keeping well? Personally I am pleased to get back to a 'weekday' as the weekends always seem a little more unusual to me!
Hopefully by now you will have been sent the Lincolnshire Virtual Athletics competition information. This is being run by the School Games Organisers and will allow the children to compete in an athletics competition against children from other Lincolnshire schools. I have also uploaded the information to the home learning section of the website.
Hampers will again be delivered tomorrow for those eligible parents who ordered one.
I know the teachers are busy communicating potential 'Home Learning' activities for you to be working on this week. I do however want to reassure you all though, that this time is about keeping each other safe and well. Please don't stress about what you are doing at home with your child or the progress they are/aren't making. That is for us to worry about when school reopens and we will be working hard to ensure they slot back into school life effectively and from then we can continue our learning journey.
I hope you all have a good week and fingers crossed we get some news soon as to when we can look to reopen school.
Mr Nicholson