Following this evenings government announcement about school reopening we are delighted to be welcoming more children back to school from Monday 1st June.
As we have explained previously the children will be placed in bubbles within school with numbers limited in accordance with government guidance. From Monday 1st June we will have the following structure:
Class One - Will remain in class one as per usual
Class Two - Will remain in class two as per usual
Class Three - Will be split into two bubbles taught by Ms Woodrow or Miss Richardson
Class Four - Year one children will remain with Ms Handley
Class Ten - Will be split into two bubble taught by Mr Haigh or Ms Baliol-Key/Mrs Anderson
We have planned our provision so that we are able to welcome back all children in EYFS, Year One and Year 6. If at any point you decide that you would like your child to return to school then please contact the school office.
In addition to this we will continue to provide childcare to the children of Key Workers and this will continue in the school hall. If you haven't previously accessed this provision and now require it again please contact the school office.
Finally, those children who aren't yet due to return to school will continue to be provided with home learning using the same channels as before the half term break. As always please contact us if there is anything we can do to support you with this.
Many thanks for your continued support in these ever changing times.
David Nicholson