Good morning everyone,
I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine.
In school we continue to prepare for the partial reopening of our school on Monday 1st June. The staff have been working hard to prepare the Risk Assessments and alter the classrooms etc so that we comply fully with the guidance.
As has been explained in our communications to parents in YR, Y1 and Y6, social distancing in a school is virtually impossible. Instead, the children will be placed in what are now know as 'bubbles' with a class teacher and an additional adult. They will then spend their whole school day in this bubble learning, eating and playing together in both their classroom and outside. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the staff for their hard work in preparing for the reopening. All of the staff have been amazing and they are 100% committed to getting our school open again.
I understand that our parents may have concerns about their child/ren returning to school on Monday 1st June. All I can do is reassure you, this has been a considered decision on behalf of the Government to look to possibly re-open schools on 1st June, as long as there is no change to the COVID-19 emergency and the Government recommended measures have been implemented in schools. If anyone does have any questions then please contact school and we will do our upmost to answer them and reassure you. We have planned for all of the children to return to school so if you decide at any point before 1st June that you want your child to attend then they will be more than welcome.
We will continue to provide provision for the children of 'key workers' who are in the other year groups and again as always please contact us if you wish to access this provision.
At this moment we have received no indication as to when the other year groups will be back in school as soon as we do hear anything we will let you know. In the meantime we will continue to provide 'home learning' guidance for these year groups and the teachers will be available to support as much as their new teaching commitments allow.
As has been explained we do have some new drop off and pick up arrangements which are as follows;
We would urge all parents to follow the 2m social distancing guidance when dropping their children off at school. Staff will be on hand again to greet you and to collect your child/ren for you. Please be mindful that ‘school drop off’ and collection will take slightly longer than normal, during this period. I would ask for your patience and understanding as we implement these new arrangements.
As the school is due to re-open on Monday 1st June, we won't be offering any hot school lunches and these will be the arrangements:
The order forms for Ideal opened on Tuesday 19th May and will close at Midnight on Sunday 24th May.
I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding as we navigate our way through these unprecedented times.
I look forward to welcoming ‘back to school’ many of our Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, from Monday 1st June, if the school re-opens.
I will continue to keep you up to date.
Stay safe.