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Home Page

Learning Resources

Good morning everyone,


How strange it is to be in school without all of your smiling faces to brighten our day.  I hope that you are all making the most of the opportunity to spend precious time with your families and more importantly staying safe. 


We know that websites like Purple Mash are experiencing high demand and are struggling to cope with everyone logging on at once.  Don't panic though, this will calm down and they are working to upgrade servers etc.  However, you don't need to have a rigidly timetabled day and you can use the time to read, play a game, go out in the garden, write a story, cook something . . . there's still lot's to do! 


We have added some more links/resources to the new Home Learning section of the website, which is in the news & letters tab. 


We can't wait to have you back at school and hear all about what you have been doing.


Stay safe everyone


Mr Nicholson 

