Dear Parents and Carers,
I have only just been informed by Rev’d Harriet that we will not be able to use the Church for our KS2 Carol Service on Monday 19th December as there will be a funeral taking place and she has sent massive apologies to all of our parents and children.
We are however, able to hold this service in the Church on Tuesday, 20th at 10.00am.
I am very aware that this is short notice and understand that there are a number of people who have organised work commitments around this event. We hope that a week’s notice might be enough for some people to reschedule, however for those of you who cannot change their time off, we are happy to do an extra performance in school on Monday morning at 10.00am so you can be part of this Christmas tradition.
We know it is not ideal, but we have tried to organise a compromise at very short notice so at least we can involve as many of you as we can!
Places are limited on the Monday morning, so please can we ask for only those people who cannot change work commitments to have priority at this performance, we look forward to seeing everyone else at St Swithun’s Church on Tuesday 20th December.
Thank you for your support and flexibility with this new arrangement,
Mrs R J King