Choir will be performing at Walton Girls School on Thursday 3rd December. We will leave school at 4.15 by coach so children need to be at school by 4.10 to ensure that we leave on time. If you wish your child to stay in school between 3.30 and 4.10 please tell them to let either Miss Baliol-Key or Miss Newcombe know and we will arrange to supervise them. If you are close enough for your child to go home for a short time, please do ensure they are back by 4.10. If you child normally attends a club on a Thursday, they unfortunately will not be able to attend it for this week only.
If you wish to attend the performance, tickets will be available from us in the next week or so and will cost £3. If you attend the performance you may take your child home from Walton rather than them having to come back to school. If you are not able to attend the performance please ensure you are at school for 7.30 to collect your child – school will not be open at this time.
As always thank you for your support with choir.
Ms Baliol-Key and Miss Newcombe