Dear Parents and Carers,
We are hoping to start a Cake Raffle to raise funds for some projects we wish to undertake around school.
The idea is that we set up a rota for parents providing a cake on a Friday morning (bought or made, either is fine!) and then school council sell tickets on a Friday morning play and last play to the children (and staff!) for 20p per ticket. At the end of last play the winning ticket is pulled and the winner gets to take the cake home for eating over the weekend. There will be no limit as to how many tickets can be bought, but if every child in the school buys at least 1 ticket a week, that could be £200 per month that we can raise.
All we need is a number of willing volunteers to put their names down for the cake rota (the more of us there are, the fewer times our names will come up on the rota) and bring a cake in on the nominated day. I am happy to put my name down for Week 1 – Friday 24th February.
If you feel that you are able to support this, please fill in the attached slip and we will organise the rota. This will be distributed ahead of half term so you have plenty of notice for your turn and also we will put it on the website under FSA if you ever need to access it.
Many thanks for your continued support – I look forward to tasting… I mean viewing all those lovely cakes.