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Another Lovely Day

Hi everyone, 


Apologies that today's message is a little later than usual but I have been in school today.  We've all been trying to keep busy to take our minds off how quiet school is.  Miss Baliol-Key,  Miss Richardson and some of the children have made rainbows for the school fence.  If you are out on your one walk of the day around the village then keep an eye out for them.  I managed to rope Mr Gosling in to a spot of gardening, the school garden now looks a little bit more tidy than it did before and I am sure Ms Butterfield would be impressed by our work!   I hope we get back to school in time to start growing some nice vegetables. 


I know you will have all been busy at home trying out many of the activities your teachers are sharing.  I hope you have been keeping healthy and active, George and Stanley tell me that the daily Joe Wicks workout is hard work! Even Darcy tried to get involved yesterday with an acrobatic role out of her ring! 


Whilst we work to set up Microsoft Teams, if you have any work that you would like to share with your teachers then feel free to send it to our school email address which is: .  I will then forward it on to your class teacher.  


Keep being amazing and make sure you all keep safe.


Mr Nicholson 

