If your child is due to start with us for their Reception year in September 2017 you will need to complete an online application on the Lincolnshire Admissions website:
www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions .
If you do not have access to a computer then you can make a telephone application or request a paper application by calling the Education Team at the Customer Service Centre on 01522 782030.
The window for applications opens on Monday 14th November
The closing date for applications is 12 noon, 15 January 2017.
Even if the closing date has passed you can still apply for a school place. If the apply online facility is no longer available you can still apply on a paper application, you can request one by telephoning our Customer Service Centre on 01522 782030. Late applications and changes received after 12 noon on 17 February 2017 will not be dealt with in time for offer day on 18 April 2017 and will be processed at a later date.