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Reading Intent Statement

To develop the key skills required to read and promote a lifelong love of reading.



Our main reading scheme is Collins Big Cat in Key Stage 1, we use a variety of supplementary books too.


Guided Reading

All classes teach reading using the Reading VIPERS scheme.  This is a whole class approach using whole books and targeting key skills.






Writing Intent Statement

To be an effective communicator and listener in both written and spoken word.   


We are keen to ensure that all children have the opportunity to fully develop their written work.  We teach our topic work through our literacy lessons and this allows us to ensure that any writing the children are asked to do is linked to the knowledge they have learnt already.


We allow children time to plan, draft, edit and publish their writing and they enjoy seeing their work progress through this journey.




















We follow the 'PenPals' handwriting scheme beginning in EYFS. The children are taught to form letters correctly, starting and finishing in the correct place. We also focus on the size and orientation of the letters. Moving into Year 1 and 2 the children begin to be taught to join letters correctly leading to joined up writing. In Year 3, when the teacher knows the child to be ready, they will be given a pen license.

Reading Information Booklet

